"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Thank you to those that supported me the last time I tried to receive the $100 free grant from OH. I have a great family that supports me 150% and amazing friends-too! :) Here are a few pictures showing a few that have supported me!
(If you did or are going to buy something to support me...PLEASE send me a picture so I can thank you!:)

Here are two really cute girls! So thankful to have them as my nieces!

Ok, Ty is sporting the "Little World Changer" shirt...go check out the OH store to get your little one something just like this!
Here is another pic of Titus...just in case you didn't believe me that his shirt does say that...he will be a "Little World Changer..." :)

Had to put this picture up! Here are my amazing sisters! They are responsible for cheering me on to sign up for the fundraiser(as did Holli:)!!!!!! I'm very blessed! :)
Its hard to say which OH shirt is my favorite...this one comes in close to being #1!:)

Thank you once again for ALL of you who are supporting me...whether you do participate in this OH fundraiser or by praying or by giving fun toys, crafts supplies, soccer balls, candy...etc.! THANK YOU times 100! I pray that the Lord blesses you in return...because you sure are blessing me so that I CAN GOOOOOOOOOOO! :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Until Sunday!!!

Sale still going on in the OH store! PLEASE help me by purchasing products! 40% of your sale goes DIRECTLY to my mission trip costs! Can you help me help CHANGE THE WORLD FOR ONE? $500 grant to highest seller and I want this PRIZE badly!:) Thanks to all! Please go check out the store!

Please make sure to send me a picture of your family if you happen to buy a sheep! I will take over your family pic and show it to those that you will be feeding! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

...two birds with one stone:)

Well, I'm not a big fan of asking people for things! But here I go....

It actually came up this past weekend with my family...that years ago...I'd always make my younger brother or best friend ask for things....so I didn't have to! (or does that mean I was just bossy?!?!? :)

Anyways...so here I am trying to ask you all on my own! :)

Here is a way that you can help me by purchasing an item in the OH store. Every item that you purchase-I then receive 40% towards my missions trip!!! There are even opportunities for you to purchase a goat/sheep to feed MANY children. How cool is that?!?! If you do purchase a sheep...please send me a picture of your family so that all those that you will be feeding will be able to see your family!

(There is a contest of the affiliate(me) that raises the most money by this Sunday(at midnight) then receives $500 free from Ordinary Hero towards their missions trip! How awesome is that...?!?!?
Here is the Ordinary Hero blog----it explains the contest a little better!

So, as my title says...."you can hit two birds with one stone"
The saying is true.....you can be helping children in need while supporting my trip back to Ethiopia! :) Do you agree?!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Save the date!!!

I am excited to say that on May 20 & 21 there is a great opportunity for you! We need help re-decorating a children's room at "The Children's Home and Aid" in Bloomington. I know this is an AWESOME opportunity for many to act upon what we all heard at the Light the Fire event. (Even if you weren't at the event.....you can just jump right in and get involved!!)

Kelly and Jami both spoke about how we should be reaching out to our own communities and ministering to those in need. Welllllllllllllllllllll...here's your chance....to help make many children feel special.

The Forgotten Initiative's mission is “to bring joy and purpose to the foster care community”

"We do this by partnering with our local foster care agencies to understand their needs and then we partner with churches (the Body of Christ) to bring awareness to the needs and connect the two! We want to mobilize the Body to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus to the forgotten in our communities! All that we do is because of Jesus and for His glory."

Monetary donations are needed and even "fun" donations are needed as well. :)

If you are wanting to make monetary donations to help with costs for this particular room-checks may be made out to Lifesong for Orphans and please mark going towards-The Forgotten Initiative!
If you know this is something you WOULD LOVE to be apart of....or if you have questions send an e-mail to info@theforgotteninitiative.org -Kathy will answer your question(s) or direct you to the right person! :)

Pass the word on about "The Forgotten Initiative" or "like" it on facebook! Also, be looking for the Initiative's awesome website that should be up and running the first week of May! :)